Tag Archives: Genre: Contemporary

[Review] My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzparick

Book: My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzparick

Publication: June 14, 2012 by Dial Books (Penguin Teen)

Rating: 5/5 stars

Summary: “One thing my mother never knew, and would disapprove of most of all, was that I watched the Garretts. All the time.”

The Garretts are everything the Reeds are not. Loud, numerous, messy, affectionate. And every day from her balcony perch, seventeen-year-old Samantha Reed wishes she was one of them…until one summer evening Jase Garrett climbs her trellis and changes everything. As the two fall fiercely in love and stumble through the awkwardness and awesomeness of first romance, Jase’s family makes Samantha one of their own—even as she keeps him a secret from her disapproving mother and critical best friend. Then the unthinkable happens, and the bottom drops out of Samantha’s world. She’s suddenly faced with an impossible decision. Which perfect family will save her? Or is it time she saved herself? Read the rest of this entry »


Posted by on 13 July, 2012 in Book Reviews


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[Review] Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally

Book: Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally

Publication: December 1, 2001 by Sourcebooks Fire

Rating: 3/5 stars

Summary (Amazon): What girl doesn’t want to be surrounded by gorgeous jocks day in and day out? Jordan Woods isn’t just surrounded by hot guys, though–she leads them as the captain and quarterback of her high school football team. They all see her as one of the guys and that’s just fine. As long as she gets her athletic scholarship to a powerhouse university.

But everything she’s ever worked for is threatened when Ty Greeen moves to her school. Not only is he an amazing QB, but he’s also amazingly hot. And for the first time, Jordan’s feeling vulnerable. Can she keep her head in the game while her heart’s on the line?

This book sounded so promising and I was so sure that I would absolutely love it. I mean, it’s a football book where the female main character is the school’s quarterback. And look at that cover! What’s not to love?

Unfortunately, while I enjoyed the story overall, I didn’t love the it as much as I had wanted/expected to. Here are my thoughts in list form (sorry I’m running low on creative juices so, you get what you get today!):

What I Liked

  • Jordan. I really did like the main character a lot. She was smart, funny, and one tough cookie. I have mad respect for any girl who can hold her own on a team full of guys.
  • The friendship between the teammates. I liked seeing Jordan interact with both JJ and Carter, they had such a great bond and it proves guys and girls can be friends. They were protective of her, but also let her fight her own battles. It seemed like a perfect
  • Marie and Carrie. I loved how they threw Jordan’s mental image of cheerleaders completely upside down. They both seemed like the sort of girls I’d have been friends with.
  • The relationship between Jordan and her mom. Her mom was so supportive and at every single game and every single practice. I always enjoy seeing active parenting in a YA book.
  • Also, the relationship between Jordan and her brother Mike. I loved that he supported her both in football and when she was having personal issues. It’s good to see siblings get along so well!
  • Football. Have I mentioned how much I love Football? I’m counting down the days until college ball starts back up!

What I Didn’t Like

  • Ty. I didn’t see him as being a believable crush. I guess this is where I need to suspend my jaded adult view of things, but it seemed too sudden and it was all based on the fact that he was hot. I just had a hard time buying it. And I didn’t like the drastic personality changes he seemed to undergo, it was a bit confusing. And worrisome.
  • How the Henry/Jordan thing went down. I just didn’t find it all that realistic for teenagers, aside from the “i’m not speaking to you for weeks” thing.
  • The constant cursing. Now, anyone who knows me knows that I curse enough to make a sailor blush, so it’s not that I’m anti cursing. I just felt it was a bit overused in the book, regardless of how often teenagers actually curse, and it definitely could have been toned down.

All in all the positive outweighed the negative and I enjoyed the read. It’s definitely worth picking up if you love YA contemp with strong female characters. Also, the companion book, Stealing Parker, will be out in October.


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Waiting on Wednesday: June 27, 2012: Winter White by Jen Calonita

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly me hosted by Jill over at Breaking the Spine (gotta love the name!). The idea is that it spotlights upcoming releases that we’re eagerly anticipating. So, here is my pick for the week:

Winter White (Belles #2)
by Jen Calonita
Publication Date: October 9th, 2012

From Amazon:
Isabelle Scott and Mirabelle Monroe are still reeling from the revelation that they share more than just the roof over their heads. The media has pounced on their story and the girls are caught up in a flurry of talk-show appearances and newspaper interviews. They’ve put on a happy public face, but someone is leaking their true feelings to the press, and while it seems like the world is watching their every move, at least they have each other.

But with cotillion season right around the corner, Izzie and Mira have barely had time to process their newfound sisterhood. Mira has dreamed of making her debut in a gorgeous white gown forever-now, if only she could find an escort. Izzie, meanwhile, is still struggling to find her place in Emerald Cove and it’s seeming ever more impossible with EC mean-girls, young and old, doing their best to keep her down. As cotillion preparations heat up, though, there are dance steps to learn, manners to perfect… and secret initiations to complete? As if sophomore year wasn’t hard enough!
It’s time for the gowns to go on and the gloves to come off.

Why I’m Waiting: I picked up Belles at The Little Shop of Stories in preparation for Jen Calonita’s signing. Sadly, I didn’t make it to the signing but I’m certainly glad I picked up a copy of her book! Belles was an delicious YA contemporary book with the perfect mix of southern charm, rumors and backstabbing. However, it wasn’t until this week that I found out there was a second book in the series! I can’t wait to dive back into Izzie and Mira’s world, especially after the events of Belles left everything so upside down! And Winter White looks to be intriguing and fascinating , as we step back into the world of Emerald Cove.

If you haven’t had a chance to read Belles yet, check out my review and grab a copy before Winter White comes out this fall!


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