Tag Archives: Book: Two Kisses for Maddy

TGIF June 29th! Best Reads of the Year (well, so far)

TGIF is a weekly meme hosted by Ginger at GReads. Every Friday she posts a new question and it’s a really fun way to discover new blogs.

This weeks question is: Best I’ve Read So Far: We’re half way through the year (crazy how time flies!), which top 3 books are the best you’ve read so far this year?

Y’all I have ALL THE THINGS to say about this topic. Because I’ve read some pretty amazing books  so far this year. If you’ve been reading my blog for a while none of these will come as a shock to you 🙂

The Fault in Our Stars
 by John Green. I CANNOT stress enough how much I loved this book. I’ve read it twice since January and it only got better on my second read through. I had ALL THE FEELINGS when I read this book. I even did that thing where you’re laughing, but at the same time you have tears streaming down your face.

I honestly wasn’t expecting to love this book as much as I did, but I just can’t seem to let go of the story. If you haven’t read it then I highly recommend that yu do so. preferably as soon as possible. I don’t think you’ll regret it.

If you don’t believe me just ask Twitter.

Two Kisses for Maddy
 by Matt Logelin. This is another book that had me feel just about every emotion I could possibly feel. I reviewed this book back in April and I could barely piece together the words needed for the review. This book broke my heart into a million little pieces and then ever so gently put it back together again. It’s a true story and a touching memoir of one man’s journey through life and love and single fatherhood.

Ever since I read the book I’ve been following Matt’s blog and I am so amazed by his ability both as a father and a person. I know going through what he did couldn’t have been easy and it takes a strong person to handle it the way he did. This is a must read, but definitely keep tissues handy. Pretty much at all times.

For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund. I just read this book last week and I haven’t gotten a chance to review it yet. But this is a 5 star book all the way. Even though I knew the basic plot going into it (it’s a retelling of Persuasion by Jane Austen) I was captivated by the story and the characters Diana created.

I adored the heroine, Eliot, and I spent the book feeling every emotion she felt, wanting to protect her and to defend her against others. I’m not sure why but something about her brought out my overprotective sisterly instincts.

I’ll save the rest for my full review (which should be up soon), but if you haven’t read it yet then you absolutely should, Because it’s incredible. And because Elliot is quickly rising on my list of favorite headstrong female characters.

Honorable Mentions:
The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead
Between Shades of Gray by Rupta Septys
My Life Next Door by Huntley Fitzpatrick

What are you top three favorites so far? And also, can you believe June is almost over? I have NO idea where this year is going, but I don’t like it one bit.


Posted by on 29 June, 2012 in TGIF


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Armchair BEA June 5th: Best of 2012 and Giveaway!

I cannot believe that we are already into June! It does not even seem possible that we are now halfway through 2012, but I supposed this is what happens as we get older. Without further adieu here are my top 3 books I’ve read in 2012 and the top 3 books I’m waiting on to be released!

3 Favorites in 2012

1. The Fault in Our Stars by John Green. I CANNOT stress enough how much I loved this book. I’ve read it twice since January and it only got better on my second read through. But there are no words really, just feelings and I think this image i found in The Book Smugglers review sums it up quite nicely:

2. Two Kisses for Maddy by Matt Logelin. I reviewed this book back in April and I could barely form the words for the review. This book broke my heart into a million little pieces and then ever so gently put it back together again. It’s a true story and a touching memoir of one man’s journey through life and love and single fatherhood. You will not regret picking this one up at all.

3. Insurgent by Veronica Roth. I came a bit late to this party, as I only read Divergent about two weeks before Insurgent was set to release. It was basically a blessing in disguise as I don’t have to wait as long to find out what was happening to Tris and Four. I’ve very much enjoyed this series and am itching to see how it all ends in the third book.

Team Dauntless all the way baby!

3 Books I’m (impatiently) waiting for in 2012

1. Scoundrels by Timothy Zahn. So, it’s no secret that Timothy Zahn is the hero of the Star Wars EU book world and my favorite sic-fi writer. So it’s certainly no surprise that my top most anticipated book is his newest. This one focuses on Han and Chewie (and Lando!) so it’s a bit of a divergence from his normal focus of Mara Jade and Luke. But I’m still hoping the awesome red head makes at least a tiny appearance.

Also, just look at that cover. How will it not be made of awesome?

2. The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead. Adrian Ivashkov. Need i say more? He’s one of my favorite things about the Vampire Academy world and I can’t wait to see more of him. Oh, and Sydney and Jill and the intrigues of the Moroi court, of course. But mostly Adrian. Cause that’s how I roll.

3. The Crimson Crown by Cinda Williams Chima. The Seven Realms series is one of the best YA epic fantasies I’ve read and I can’t wait to see how it all ends. I made the mistake of reading the first three thinking that’s all there was and I was both ecstatic and brokenhearted hearted to realize there was still one more book. Mostly only broken hearted cause fit doesn’t release until October and that’s just too darn far away.

What books did you guys pick as your top of 2012? I know it’s only Juen but there have already been so many great books that it was difficult to narrow it down! I can’t wait to see what made everyone’s else’s lists.

If you get a moment be sure to check out the official Armchair BEA site for a guest post from Joe Foster from Edelweiss. He’ll be talking all about digital review copies and the many exciting changes at Edelweiss that effect us as book bloggers.

OH! Also, don’t forget the first Armchair BEA twitter party! Find our more here: For detailed information, visit the Twitter Party Announcement Post. Hope to see everyone participating!

Okay, so now for the fun stuff (c/mon we all know why you’re here!)! If you’re interested in winning a $25 dollar Amazon giftcard simply signup for my email list here: and leave a comment on this post. There will be a random winner selected from all of the new subscribers/commenters!

(If you’re an existing subscriber and would like to be eligible to win simply shoot me an email and I’ll adjust the signup date manually to allow you to enter the contest).

Winner will be announced on Friday by 4 pm!


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